Let Bizgrok design your organization's brochures. Brochures can be designed both for print and for online availability. See samples below.
Non-Profit Organization Brochures
Child Adoption Resource Association
Birth Parent Brochure Series for Child Adoption Resource Association (CARA). Adoption is a complicated process, and the folks at CARA wanted to be sure that birth parents had as much information as practical supplied to them upfront. With so much information, and a fairly lengthy process, one standard 3-panel brochure could not handle it all. The brochures, like the process, are broken down into three stages.
Creating the brochures and getting them online did not require signifigant CARA staff time. Our designer has extensive experience in social services and understands the work, the jargon and the target population/clients. Beginning with information that Bizgrok had already edited for the Child Adoption Resource Association web site as the "first draft" of the brochures. The drafts were then reviewed by the CARA Clinical Director, revised and reviewed again for final approval before their creation as ".pdf" files. Bizgrok assisted CARA in taking advantage of Abode's free trial program and the files were converted to ".pdf" without cost to CARA.
CARA has been able to save printing costs and to provide the convenient of online brochures for potential adoptive parents who are usually eager to start the adoption process as soon as they make their first call! In addition, the agenices that work hand-in-hand with CARA providing services to birth parents have been able to print out the CARA brochures as needed to for their clients.
Download or view the brochures as ".pdf" files here::
Believe You Can Fly Foundation
The Believe You Can Fly Foundation (BYCFF) was a start-up non-profit that had no marketing materials before coming to Bizgrok. Starting "from scratch", the development of this brochure took place in a "back-and-forth" collaboration via email and two "in-person" meetings with the founder. Being the first and only marketing product, there was a great deal of information that the founder hoped to include. Bizgrok was able to assist BYCFF in editing the content of the brochure to a more manageable size. First created in MS Publisher, the brochure evolved as the organization began to organize, clarify its mission and add board members. BYCFF was planning a mass mailing of their brochure, but with printing costs a concern, it was decided that, although packed with information, initially, one brochure would be the way to go.
Download or view the brochure as a ".pdf" file here:
Bizgrok Brochures
North East Digital Village Brochures
North East Digital Village (NEDV) is a service of Bizgrok, Inc. NEDV offers personal dialup services to families and individuals. Child protection, cultural awareness and community involvement have been our goals at the "Village" since its inception in 2000. NEDV strives to provide quality links, narrative and information to families and children. We are pleased to have our Kids Club House and our Teen Street pages serve as your child's homepage. The Village provides an active and up-tp-date listing of Connecticut events, and most recently, our Senior Square has been gaining popularity. This brochure was created with new NEDV dialup customers in mind. It designed as a "mailer" and has a sign-up form and is pre-addressed to be mailed back to Bizgrok, Inc so that the new customer's account may be setup totally by mail. This version is colorful and designed for the web and for color printing. We also created a "black and white" version for large printing jobs on color stock.
Download or view the brochure as a ".pdf" file here: NORTH EAST DIGITAL VILLAGE
Bizgrok Brochures
Bizgrok's "General Brochure" that provides an overview of many of the services Bizgrok offers. It's intended to proivide information about our most popular services, but is not exhaustive on eith all services or any particular service.
Download or view the brochure as a ".pdf" file here: BIZGROK INTERNET, WEB & BUSINESS SERVICES |