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The Bizgrok Library features news about and articles by Bizgrok and Bizgrok's customers that we believe offer helpful information or advice. the information, opinions or advice is strictly the not the responsibility of Bizgrok - meaning Bizgrok isn't responsible for the accuracy of the informaiton or advice or suggestions contained within any article published here, nor for anything you do with such information, advice or suggestions. If you have an article you'd like Bizgrok to feature, email our editor with your topic and short description of your article's content.

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Bizgrok Articles

Adult Learning and Employer-Sponsored Training, Joyce Thomas, President, Bizgrok, Inc: When selecting a trainer, it is important that the trainer understands adult learning styles and needs and that the training reflects this. Although the study of how adults learn is fairly new, there are some basic characteristics that adult learners share that are often not incorporated into many trainings or courses offered. Adult learners require a different approach than traditionally practiced by educators trained in classic techniques for classroom teaching. Read more ...

Power Conditioning, by Frank P. Szarka: A surge suppression outlet is an inexpensive form of limited protection that is used by most people as their first and only defense against lighting, surge spikes, and other line noise events - while in reality it should be used as the last line of defense. Read more ...

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