- Accessibility
- Accessible web page design, or pages that are said to be handicapped accessible are constructed so the people with disabilities, such as hearing, visual, physical or cognitive impairment are able to make use of the site. Those that may have temporary similar needs also benefit from web sites that are accessible. These may include those who have a slow connection or whose eyes "disabled" by having to watch traffic, or are using voice reading software. This is often done through the use of alternative browsers. (For site built to Web Accessibility Guidelines, see Connecticut Foundation for Environmentally Safe Schools)
- Alternative Browsers
- Alternative browsers are often aimed to assist "people with visual impairment or reading difficulties [who] rely on speech output, Braille displays or screen magnification; and in many cases use the keyboard instead of the mouse. People who can't use a keyboard rely either on voice recognition for spoken commands, or on switch devices which can be controlled by head, mouth or eye movements. People whose eyes are busy with another task may need Web access using voice-driven systems." (See http://www.w3.org/WAI/References/Browsing.html for further information and links to alternative browsers.)
- Browser
- Application (program) that enables a person to read hypertext. See Alternative Browsers for further information about browsers designed to assist handicapped accessibility.
- Cascading Style Sheets
- A cascading stylesheet is a text file with all the element definitions stored in it. It is linked to the document by using the HTML LINK element. (See Stylesheets)
- See Competitive Local Exchange Carrier.
- Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
- Competitive Local Exchange Carrier competes with the local phone company. They may be resellers of a facilities-based or other provider or they may provide their own facilities.
- Customer Premises Equipment
- Degrade gracefully
- Web pages written and constructed to be read by older browsers without significant disruption to the flow of the page or information. This may entail special attention to markup language, stylesheets, etc. not supported by the older browser versions.
- Dial-up Access
- Dial-up Access provides a connection to the Internet or network via a modem across the user's normal telephone lines.
- Domain Name
- The name or representation that a particular location on the Internet is known by, e.g., "bizgrok.com" is the domain name used by Bizgrok, Inc. The domain name is also referred to as the Internet Address. However, the domain name is actually a user-friendly naming system that relys on the DNS or Domain Name System to translate domains into IP addresses.
- Domain Name Registration
- See Registration
- Domain Name System
- Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. The Internet is based on IP addresses, not names. When a domain name is entered into your browser, or domain email is sent or received, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. Without domain name service, your domain email, or your web pages cannot be found on the Internet.
- Domain Name Service (DNS) is a service that provides a server (computer) connected to the Internet and configured to host the Domain Name System for specific domains.
- Extranet VPN
- An extranet VPN extends access of computing resources and brings limited access to shared information to suppliers and customers.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- A protocol that allows users to copy files between their local system (computer) and any system (your web host company's web server) they can reach on the network .
- Intranet VPN
- An intranet VPN connects fixed locations, branch offices, and home offices, within an enterprise WAN.
- Internet Address
- The url or domain name of a distinct place on the Internet and/or the World Wide Web (www). The Internet Address is the numerical address that a location on the Internet is identified as. Computers on the Internet use IP addresses to route traffic and establish connections. These addresses are generally known as by their names. Use of the friendlier naming system (domain names) relys on the DNS or Domain Name System.
- Internet Protocol
- Basic set of rules giverning transmission on the Internet. A method for ensuring the delivery of data from one computer to another across the Internet. Every computer with access to the Internet or on a network, either private and public, is given a unique address or IP number. (This is just like when you send something in an envelope via the postal service to a house or apartment that has a specific address.) When you send (or request data) over the Internet or network, each data packet is sent to (or retrieved from) the destination address (IP number).
- Internet Protocol is the protocol (set of rules) used for communication between nets and their hosts, called the TCP/IP internet layer. An IP address uniquely identifies each network and each of its hosts on the internet. Any IP address is comprised of four bytes that are represented by the IP number - four numbers (integers 0 to 255) separated by dots (
- IP
- An acronym for Internet Protocol. (Protocol or set of rules that govern the sending and receiving of messages at the Internet address level. See Internet Protocol)
- IP Address
- Acronym for Internet Address. The IP address is the numerical address that identifies a location on the Internet. Computers on the Internet use IP addresses to route traffic and establish connections.
- IP Number
- The IP address that is comprised of four bytes reprsented by four numbers (integers 0 to 255) separated by dots (
- See Local Area Network.
- Local Area Network
- Also known as a "LAN", a local area network is a data communications system consisting of a group of interconnected computers, sharing applications, data and peripheral equipment such as printers. It is usually contained with a building or group of buildings.
- Modem
- An acronym for a hardware device converts digital data from computers into analog data and transmits and receives information over telephone lines utilizing a service refer to as dial-up access.
- Network
- A group of computers and associated devices connected by communications facilities (both hardware and software) to share information (files), resources, peripheral devices (printers, modems) and exchange messages. (See LAN, WAN)
- Remote Access VPN
- Remote access VPNs connect telecommuters, mobile users, or even smaller remote offices with minimal traffic to the enterprise WAN and corporate computing resources.
- Registration
- Registration of a domain name enables individuals or organizations to use that particular domain name for a specified period of time, provided certain conditions are met and payment for services is made. The registrant owns the domain ONLY for the periodof time it is registered. Once a domain is successfully registered, Domain Name Service is required. While you may own a domain without utilizing web space, or publishing a web site, you must have the services of a domain name server.
- Service Level Agreements
- Service Level Agreements (SLA) ensure effective delivery and support. Key elements include provisioning time, performance, security, and availability.
- See Service Level Agreements
- Spoofed Address
- In email messages, the sender in the "From" field is most likely not the real sender.
- Stylesheet
- Style sheets make it easy to specify the amount of white space between text lines, the amount lines are indented, the colors used for the text and the backgrounds, the font size and style, and other presentation details. (See Cascading Stylesheets)
- HTML/XHTML documents checked for conformance to W3C Recommendations and relevant standards. List of validators.
- Virtual Private Network
- Virtual Private Network is a communications service on a shared public network infrastructure that provides customized operating characteristics uniformly and universally. VPN is most used to refer to voice virtual private networks. Internet Protocol (IP)-based data services are referred to as data VPNs. A virtual private network may also be a wide-area network (WAN) of permanent virtual circuits, generally using asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) or frame relay to transport IP. Also, the use of encryption software or hardware to bring privacy to communications over a public or untrusted data network. VPNs are segmented into three categories: remote access VPNs, intranet VPNs, and extranet VPNs - each with different security and bandwidth management issues to consider.
- See Virtual Private Network
- See Wide Area Network.
- Web Hosting
- Web hosting is the housing, serving, and maintaining files for Web sites on a dedicated server with direct access to the Internet.
- Web Server
- A computer that houses files for Web sites and is a dedicated machine used solely for hosting web sites and web files with direct access to the Internet. Generally, not a home user's desktop.
- whois database
- A searchable database that contains information about networks, networking organizations, domain names, and the contacts associated with them for the com, net, edu, and ISO 3166 country code top-level domains. Maintained by registrars who follow a protocol or set of rules.
- Wide Area Network
- Wide Area Network is a geographically dispersed telecommunications network. The term implies a broader telecommunication structure from a that of a local area network (LAN). A wide area network may be privately owned or rented, but usually includes public or shared-user networks.
- The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML™) is a family of current and future document types and modules that reproduce, subset, and extend HTML, reformulated in XML. XHTML Family document types are all XML-based, and ultimately are designed to work in conjunction with XML-based user agents. XHTML is the successor of HTML, and a series of specifications has been developed for XHTML. ~from w3.org HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Home Page
